Things you need to find out first

  • The IP address you plan to use the tunnel from (e.g. your current IP, or the IP of the server you want to set this up on) - $yourip.

Getting a tunnelbroker account

  • Hit the registration page and sign up.
  • Wait for the confirmation email, then login.
  • From the (left-hand-side) “User Functions” menu click “Create Regular Tunnel”.
  • Enter the IP you want to use the tunnel from
  • Pick a host near the machine with that IP - the closer it is, the shorter the path your IPv6 packets will have to take to hit the IPv6 Internet.

Configure your machine to use the tunnel

Pick a name for the tunnel - it is just used as the interface name on Linux. Let’s say sit1. Now click on the your new tunnel, and you’ll be on the “Tunnel details” page.

Open up /etc/network/interfaces:

auto sit1
iface sit1 inet6 v4tunnel
    address $address
    netmask 64
    local $yourip
    endpoint $endpoint
    up ip route add 2000::0/3 via $theirip dev sit1


$address is the value of “Client IPv6 address”

$yourip is the local IP address

$endpoint is the value of “Server IPv4 address”

$theirip is the value of “Server IPv6 address”, with the /64 removed

Test it


Make sure iputils-ping is installed (sudo aptitude install iputils-ping, if it isn’t), then try ping6 in a terminal::

PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=126 ms


If you are setting this up on your desktop, visit Kame using your browser. If this is on a server, use ssh -D1027 yourserver (via ipv4, of course) on your local machine to create a SOCKS proxy, tell your browser to use localhost:1027 as a SOCKS proxy, then visit Kame in your browser. If the tortoise is dancing, you’re done.